Hello! Produce

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Archive for the ‘Mobekimasu’ Category

The second coming of mbcms.

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When I write this, I of course go by whatever has been announced so far. What will happen and be announced tomorrow, I don’t know and if something will be, then maybe all these speculations will fall through. But, I was thinking this back in late 2011 already and despite things having been announced and such, my speculations regarding a second Mobekimasu single remains the same.

I think it will happen – and if it won’t, then it definitely should. My reasons for why shouldn’t have to be written down but I’ll get to it later in this post.

I think a second Mobekimasu single will be released in June 2012, and that a similar compain like they had last year for Busu ni naranai tetsugaku will take place.

What points to this, then? There is really only one big thing that points to all of this, and that has to do with how things are scheduled.

Morning Musume, Berryz Kobo and C-ute – three big and popular groups – have tours scheduled this spring, but none of them last past May. This is very normal for H!P tours, they usually have their final shows during Golden Week but not even that happens this time around. Berryz’ don’t even have tour until May – though they are going to be in the USA between 8-10 of June, three days that won’t make much of a difference.
Morning Musume have their final at Nippon Budoukan the 18th – where Niigaki Risa graduates – and C-ute have their tour going until May 20th. But none of them stretch to June. Berryz Kobo and C-ute have had tours stretching that far – sometimes even beginning in June before – but not this year.

Mano Erina and S/mileage don’t even have tours scheduled so far. Mano is constantly busy with acting and various other things, so maybe that’s the reason for why, but it would not explain the lack of concerts for S/mileage. S/mileage, a group that’s constantly growing in popularity ought to have more concerts than they do. They do however have a ton of events coming up. However, nothing that goes past March.

By June Morning Musume, and Hello! Project will have a new leader. Most likely Michishige Sayumi. Just like with Niigaki and how “Busu ni naranai tetsugaku became the first thing she did and promoted as leader, it would make a nice “tradition” of sorts, of the same treatment would be given to Michishige.

For S/mileage, it would be a nice way to promote a possible summer/autumn tour. That could possibly start at the end of June and last until October or November. It would be a long tour but fans would have waited for it, and being on various TV shows and in various cities to promote it, it would show to be good promotion.

In general it would also be a great way to bring Mobekimasu into the spotlight more, bring the new girls to the front, promote even more heavily and come out and reach more fans. If doing a campaign in June, many people would be outside all over the country and it could possibly reach even more people than it did back in November 2011, when it was getting a bit chilly.

As it is right now Morning Musume has a new single coming out in April. Berryz Kobo’s new single is out March (and their album in February), C-ute have their next single in stores in April (album was just released) and Mano Erina has her single out in February and an album in March. S/mileage haven’t announced anything just yet, but an album might be in the making. Tsunku has tweeted about new S/mileage songs but things have yet to be announced. Maybe we’ll get an album in May.

Either way, most groups would be due for a single in June/July. Would a second Mobekimasu single happen, then of course we would have to wait even longer for a single from each act on their own. But, as they would have the Hello! Project concerts in July/August, the singles would likely be scheduled for August/September instead. And that would still uphold a steady release schedule, pleasing the fans, while promoting the whole “agency” (Hello!Project is not an agency, but I would not call it a group). Of course, there ought to be more than one b-side and having the same b-side by each group was – to me – a terrific idea so it could/should happen again.

Of course, maybe this won’t happen at all. Maybe Mobekimasu was a one time thing and maybe the girls will just get some well-deserved summer vacation in June or just rehearse for the H!P concerts starting in July. But damn, I hope that Mobekimasu will become a tradition that happens twice every year. In summer and winter. Just about a month before the annual Hello! Project concert. It would be like the old shuffles but – in my opinion – even better.

Written by Sohee

February 12, 2012 at 10:24 pm

Posted in Mobekimasu